regimen: Thoughts and Experiences (at 6 months)

เขียนโดย montana | 02:27

A discussion of some commonly asked questions by users.

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Skin Care Part 3: Dermatologists and Rotten Buttholes

เขียนโดย montana | 15:46

this is a mini series...

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david randall curtis / mary cigarettes

เขียนโดย montana | 11:22

one morning,about a year and a half ago,i woke up[again!!!]... reached for my laptop and checked to see what fresh hell and heaven had come done the line for me.... clicking around,with my eyes still half open,i heard a poem by a man called david randall curtis.... i sat there in my bed... just listening.. hugging my first mug of tea, and my mind was just blown by the sheer inspiration of what i was hearing... it's a poem about youth...and the way we reflect back on it in our old age... and for all of the inherent danger,it's a really beautiful thing.... life is perhaps rendered all the more complete for having lived those heady unhinged misguided experiences .... [provided you live to tell the tale!] i wanna thank you david for letting me into your world of words... it was so enjoyable and satisfying building a sonic frame around your amazing poetry. the best part for me was taking on one of the characters in the story.... so i'm there in the role of a howling medium,trying to summon the spirit of keith moon *from the other side*, to bless our wrecklessness ... in the video david comes over exactly as he is... all suit and tie, juxtaposed with his ultra hip sounding talking voice.... the bastard son of jack nicholson and lou reed i do love the poets on youtube... i feel that before the internet, poets were pushed out into some dark forest with no amplification or microphone to be heard above all the fuckery. and lets face it.... ALL the best songwriters knew to zoom in ...

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The Acne Practice (severe case 3)

เขียนโดย montana | 10:02 Amazing Before and After testimnonial....... without oral medications.

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Garlic abscess treatment! (For Pimples)

เขียนโดย montana | 09:02

Take a clove of garlic and cut it in half. Take the half and rub the flesh on your pimple. It will dry out your pimple! But be careful. It can burn your skin if you hold it on too long. So start with only a little while and increase the time if you want to.

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