Acne scars develop when you put on your pimples. You are on the left marked by the immune system, as it seeks to heal the injury. For treatment, you better be prepared to spend more than $ 3000. If you have scars, you will feel stress, and undermine your self-esteem. Therefore, reducing acne scar your goal is to restore dignity.
Usually the scars will go away without treatment. However, it can cause severe acnescarring. The reduction of scars after the similar method in the removal of lines and wrinkles. One of the most common treatment is laser treatment of wrinkles. The seven facts about the laser treatment you can decide if you want to try this method or not.
Acne scars laser resurfacing removed projecting a beam of light on skin. It works like a dermabrasion. Remove the layer of the skin reveals a new, new fabrics. Thispromotes the formation of collagen, filling scars from the inside out. With this method, the scar will be less evident over time.
Treatment of a limited area requires a local anesthetic. For a complete facial resurfacing, an anesthesiologist will amaze you with the administration of intravenous sedation. The surgical procedure can take 15 minutes to an hour to complete, but the recovery time of up to several months.
You can flush after the operation.You should never touch, you also are tempted. The rash develops during the exposure of the skin provides powerful energy of the laser intensity. It may take several months for the redness to diminish.
Dermatologists prefer dermabrasion to laser resurfacing, because the more precise when it vaporizes the scar. Furthermore, no bleeding occurred.
Fractional laser works differently than a conventional laser, do not burn the skin. UnlikeDermabrasion and laser resurfacing, works deep under the skin. Therefore, the healing will be accelerated.
Both of these methods, with a high price. But insurance is not usually the cost of these operations, because they are cosmetic procedures.
If you have a darker skin complexion, it is better not to use this therapy. Can cause hyperpigmentation, or loss of skin color. That is why you should discuss this issue with your dermatologistbefore making a commitment. The dermatologist can advise if laser treatment is suitable for you.
The removal of the damaged surface of the skin with laser therapy makes the skin smoother. Although this method costs a lot of money, but it is an effective reduction of acne scars. They work best against the formation of acne scars and pigmentation problems, but not deep, pitted scars.
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